Elevate Me Counseling practices strictly adheres to the Codes of Ethics as established by the following governing bodies:

The National Association of Social Workers

Board of Certified Diplomats

Michigan Certification Bord of Addiction Professionals

In addition to the above ethical standards we hold the following guiding principals and values:







Respect for all





My Esoteric knowledge began with the spiritual masters, angels, ancestors, and guides who have supported me since birth. I am immersed in or certified in a number of energy medicines/therapies, including Soul Alchemy, Antojai Quantum Reiki Master/Instructor, Usui & Sekhmet (Egyptian) Reiki, Chrystal Reiki Master/Teacher, Aromatherapy & Essential Oil, Herbalism, Numerology, Shamanism, Ayurveda, Kabbalistic Wisdom/Healing, Palmistry, Remote Viewing, Soul Retrieval, Spirit Releasement Therapy, Sacred Geometry, Cold Water therapy, Cacao Ceremony, Master Tarot, Shadow Work, Pranayama, Sigil Energetics, Color Therapy, Chakra Alignment, and Sex Energetics.

I am Jodi Luster, the architect of Elevate Me. I began building Elevate Me in 2009. Source led me to share insights and evolution with others using social media daily long before we had ‘Lives’ and Instagram. After over a year of activity, I retreated to bring organization, clarity, and purpose to the brand. After embarking on a prolonged hiatus from promoting the brand, I finally understood that the integration of my work as a mental health therapist and spiritualist was the intuitive path.

My spiritual journey began when I was an infant as I was born Aware. I have benefited from Spiritual guidance since around two years old and have continued to evolve in my spiritual journey for almost 50 years.

My formal credentials include a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, a Master’s Degree in Social Work specializing in Child & Family Therapy from Wayne State University, and multiple classes toward a Master’s in Business Administration from Walsh College. Currently, I am pursuing my PhD in Metaphysical Science from the University of Sedona.

I am a Licensed Master Social Worker in Macro and Clinical Practice, a Board Certified Diplomat, a Certified Advanced Addictions Counselor (ICRC Reciprocal), a Certified Clinical Supervisor, and a Certified Prevention Counselor in the State of Michigan.

I have over 20 years of nonprofit/business administration experience combined with counseling youth, the elderly, families, couples, and individuals with issues ranging from adverse childhood experiences, sexual abuse, addiction, depression, anxiety, chronic illnesses, spiritual abilities, end-of-life challenges, and transitions.


It is important to look at the main life domains and address the strengths and challenges you are having in order to elevate your life into the next level. Below are the areas of life that are important to us. We address these and we may also look at your life through the lens of your astrological houses. Depending on where you are in your spiritual journey will determine which approach may work best for you. areas of life.
There are seven (7) areas of life that need our attention. Dependent upon your needs and goals one (1) or all areas may be explored. The seven (7) areas are explained in the bottom section.


The physical represents our carnal form, health, muscularity, weight, vision, hair, skin, shape, age, clothes, and overall appearance. This is how we want to appear and how we represent ourselves in the physical world.

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Financial responsibility is created out of necessity. We must make room in our life experience for the mastery of finances as money and commerce have become formidable powers in the world. As such, we must understand and rectify our relationship with money in order to carve out a comfortable and safe place in the world where we are still able to be in relationship and transactional exchange with the rest of society.

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Emotions are the impulses created within our hormonal changes as result of stimuli. Sometimes that stimuli is trauma, happiness, or other experiences along the pleasure/pain axis. Our emotions are powerful energies that can become our worst nightmares or are greatest allies. Much of this depends on our values, perspectives, and learned behavioral responses.

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These are the life experiences we wish to have as energy in physical form. They include our relationships with blood family, chosen family, partners, and others. This also includes tangibles and exterior experiences. Tangibles are things like owning a mansion and a Bentley or living in a fabulous custom tiny home. Experiences include having that mansion overlooking the ocean on a private beach or living in a low cost tiny home so we can wander from country to county in Europe, Asia, or Africa 6 months out of the year.

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The mental domain is about our perceptions, intelligence, knowledge, and cognitive connections. Out mental state is affected by education, experiences, socializations, and interests. Our mentality is a part of the collective conscious and has our soul's personality imprinted upon it.

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Occupation is what we do in order to meet our basic needs. The evolution of occupation is about living our lives according to our mission and purpose while receiving enough resources to sustain ourselves and our families. It's about finding the balance between the need to pay the bills while caring for our loved ones and enjoying the passion of play while calling it work.

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Spirit means air or breath. What we really mean is the invisible energy that animates organisms. Spirituality for many of us is the source and foundation of life everywhere in the multiverse. Each soul has a different spiritual path. Those that find value in the perspective of spirituality whether through religion or self discovery tend to find greater meaning and therefore greater fulfillment in their human life.

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