Time vs. Energy Management


January 2024 ~ Online Event

Our free course covers how we prioritize managing and scheduling our time over our personal energy and postulates that perhaps we have it all wrong…

Online Master Class



More Info.

Not only should we learn to prioritize time versus our energy but we must learn ways to stabilize and master the energy in and around us. Many of us suffer from bouts of fatigue, lack of motivation, uncharacteristic anxiety, or depression. Many of these challenges can be better overcome with energy hygiene. Each of us is so unique that we must discover the methods available and employ which ones work best for us. Getting a head start on the tools we can use will only better support our individual energy mastery!

In-Person Workshop


Per/Person + Gifts

Dream Your Life & Build Your Dream


April 2024 ~ Online Event

Our free course introduces participants to the process of building their dreams. This course goes beyond the vision board and scratches the surface of how we manifest our dreams in the material world.

Online Master Class



More Info.

The BAD course introduces participants to an in-depth understanding of the 7 dimensions of life. In the workshop, we explore our individual desires and spiritual contract or life’s purpose and go on the journey of planning and co-creating our dreams into reality. Each participant of the full course will craft a Life Plan that may assist them in tracking the accomplishment of goals and habits that will lead to a fulfilling life!

In-Person Workshop


Per/Person + Gifts

The ABC's of Spiritual Power


June 2024 ~ Online Event

Our free course delves into the practice and duality of important life terms. The universal laws associated with some of life's most important pillars will be explored...

Online Master Class



More Info.

Historically the challenge with spiritual evolution is that there has been poor demonstration and education on how to integrate a powerful spiritual contract while seamlessly completing the daily operations of life in the western world. We will look at the magnitude and impact of the most important values we hold as individuals and explore ways to operationalize our spiritual gifts in our day-to-day lives. We will design how we weave spiritual mastery into simple human living.

In-Person Workshop


Per/Person + Gifts



Online Course

Universal Communion

We greatly benefit from knowing the multitude of ways to communicate with the source of life in the universe as well as the benevolent spiritual energy assigned to assist us in fulfilling our life contract. This course explores all the ways we can communicate with Spirit so we can win every day in every way!

Registration opens July 1st



Online Course

The Define Life Project

This course not only explores the power themes we visited in the ABCs but the magick of defining our values for ourselves. This drills deep down into the core of our values and experiences and will help expand our self-awareness, self-love, as well as our ability to teach others who we really are and how to love us.

Registration opens Sep 1st



Retreat Workshop

Energy Mastery

We will delve deeper into managing both internal and external energies. We will look at the different ways to neutralize, unblock, and transform the various energy in ourselves and our environments.

Registration opens Dec 1st

Schedule a conference for details regarding an specialized

in-person workshop or speaking engagement.